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General Reference: Citation

This guide provides an overview of Lindenwood Library resources covering general reference materials, internet resources, and basic search tips.

Online Citation Help

Introduction to Citation

What is a Citation?


   A citation...Pen Writing

  • provides information on a book, journal article, website, or other published item
  • credits the original author of the idea or work
  • allows the reader to locate the sources cited

While each citation style will format the information differently, all include the author's name, title of the work, and publication date.

Why is it important?

   To provide...

  • evidence that you've done the assignment. Professors want to see that you read others' research and that you understand the works you used in your paper
  • access to the sources cited for whomever is reading your paper, especially outside academia. Outside of your school career, the need to show where your ideas came from becomes even more important, as major legal implications create liability if you used copyrighted materials in your research.

Need help understanding plagiarism?

   Plagiarism is...

  • The action or practice of taking some one else's work, idea, etc., and passing it off as one's own.

Plagiarism is a serious offense, especially while a student. Being caught plagiarizing will result in failing an assignment, course, or even being expelled from the university. If you need further information on plagiarism and how to avoid it, we've create a Plagiarism tutorial.

Citation Management


Citation Styles