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Everyday People Can Make Extraordinary Leaders

This guide provides extra resources to go along with the 2021-22 Employee Fellow for Leadership and Supervision.


Welcome to the resource guide for the 2021-22 Leadership and Supervision program.  On this guide you can find information about the fellowship, how to sign up, links to where to find the book in a variety of formats to fit your lifestyle, and other resources to help you have a better understanding of what it means to be a leader.

This fellowship will take place during the entire academic year, where we will read the book Everyday People, Extraordinary Leadership by James Kouzes and Barry Posner.  Each month will focus on a different chapter of the book to give everyone ample time to read and think about what these aspects mean to them.  To help reinforce the main concepts, I will be sending out reflections each Friday to help you process how leadership plays a part in your life.  With these reflections, I may also attach other interesting resources I found or thoughts from the group.  If you miss any of these messages, this guide will be the hub and will host the different reflections for you come back and look at later and also a variety of additional resources to check out on becoming an effective leader. 

To join this program or if you have any questions, please email the Library at

The Reading Plan

October - Read Chapters 1-2 - Introduction and Model the Way

November - Read Chapter 3 - Inspire a Shared Vision

December and January - Read Chapter 4 - Challenge the Process

February - Read Chapter 5 - Enable Others to Act

March - Read Chapter 6 - Encourage the Heart

April - Read Chapter 7 - Leadership Development and Wrap-Up