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Plagiarism: Guidance on the use of AI Tools

This guide offers information on what plagiarism is and how to avoid it.

AI Tools

There are a number of artificial intelligence tools that have been available for many years such as translation tools, grammar checking tools, and predictive text, to name a few.  The advent of ChatGPT and its advanced capabilities has amplified awareness and concern about these tools.

While artificial intelligence (AI) can be a valuable resource for students, it also poses a significant challenge to academic integrity. The use of AI tools in academic settings raises questions about cheating, plagiarism and fabrication. Students must ensure that they are using AI ethically and in accordance with academic integrity policies. Faculty are encouraged to consider this guidance in order to promote integrity, prevent dishonesty, and to address potential unauthorized use of such tools.

Guidance for Faculty

1.  Get to Know the Tools

  • Learn how ChatGPT and other tools (Jasper, Quillbot, Grammarly, Brainly, etc.) work by using them yourself.
  • Think about how the tools might be used creatively in your course.
  • To demonstrate pros and cons of the tool(s)
  • To view with an information literacy lens
  • To analyze and critique what the generators produce in light of an assignment prompt or questions or to compare to work produced by students

2.  Assignment Design

  • See the resources linked above
  • Follow best practices in creating assignments that minimize the opportunity to use AI tools or use them successfully (if you do not want students using them).
  • If allowing use of text-generating tools, require citations as you would for any source.

3.  Communication and Expectations

  • Have discussions with your students about the use of AI text/answer/product generating tools.
  • Set clear guidelines and expectations – explain why you have these guidelines.
  • Include your specific guidelines in course syllabi and assignment instructions.
  • Provide resources on appropriate source use, paraphrasing and summarizing, and citation.
  • Have students practice paraphrasing and summarizing with an emphasis on understanding and explaining content rather than just rewording/reordering content.
  • Discuss the purpose of course assignments.

4.  Suggested Syllabus Language

      Some use of AI language assistance allowed

We recognize that there are a variety of AI programs available to assist writers. AI programs are not a replacement for human creativity, originality, and critical thinking. Writing is a craft that you must develop over time to develop your own individual voice as a writer. However, within limited circumstances, and with proper attribution, AI programs may be used as a tool. During our class, we may use AI Writing tools such as ChatGPT.  You will be informed as to when, where, and how these tools are permitted to be used, along with guidance for attribution.  Any use outside of this permission constitutes a violation of Lindenwood University’s Academic Integrity Policy.


No use of AI language assistance allowed

AI Writing tools are not permitted for any stage or phase of work in this class.  If you use these tools, your actions would be considered academically dishonest and a violation of Lindenwood University’s Academic Honesty Policy.

Free use of AI language assistance allowed

AI Writing tools such as ChatGPT are welcome in this class, provided that you cite when and how you use the tool.  You will be provided with examples of how to cite your use of this tool in your writing.

Submission Statement: “The author, (student name) generated this text in part with GPT-3, OpenAI’s large-scale language-generation model. Upon generating draft language, the author reviewed, edited, and revised the language to their own liking and takes ultimate responsibility for the content of this publication.”

5.  Suggestions for Implementation

Suggestions for Implementation

Some Use Allowed

No Use Allowed

Free Use Allowed

Discuss Academic Integrity during the first week

Critical thinking is human skills

Assistance, not a creator

Instructor is the guide/teacher/facilitator in how to successfully use the tools




Require students to complete the Academic Integrity Canvas module




Remind students that the AI policy may be different in each class and to check with the instructor before using AI assistance.




Discuss WHY AI assistance may not be used

Discipline norms

Workplace/career restrictions


Require students to complete the AI module

What is ChatGPT?

How does it work?

What are the limitations?



Specify what tools may or may not be used and how they can be used on the class assignments


Identify the consequences of choosing not to follow the AI guidelines


Specify which assignments may use AI generated text

            In the syllabus

            In the Assignment directions in Canvas

            In the rubric

Verbally in class

            Verbally in recorded lessons for online courses


Require students to submit a copy of the AI generated text with the first draft



6.  Unauthorized Usage Detection

  • Use the tools yourself to understand how they work and what they generate. Generate output for your assignments to use as comparison to student work.
  • Review sources (some AI tools fabricate sources).
  • Select specific sources/content/choices to follow-up on with students in a conversation
  • Online “AI Detection” programs exist, but they are not well-tested and may not be accurate. Writing that is from basic writers, from English language learners, and from students using formal academic writing may be flagged as AI assisted.

If you suspect Academic Dishonesty or have questions about whether an issue can or should be reported through the Academic Integrity process, contact Kate Herrell, Associate Provost, Academic Operations and Student Success. Consult the faculty portal for the appropriate forms and additional guidance.

Guidance for Students

1. Seek guidance from instructors.

Faculty should be clear in their syllabus about what, if any, use of AI tools is allowed in their course or in specific assignments within their course.  Students should ensure that they are clear on each instructor’s expectations and boundaries as they relate to AI tools. Further, students should seek guidance from their instructors if they are unsure about how to use AI tools ethically. Instructors can provide valuable guidance and resources to help students maintain academic integrity while using AI tools.

2. Be transparent about the use of AI tools and cite sources properly.

When using AI tools to generate ideas or write portions of their papers, students must ensure that they cite their sources properly. If the AI tool has been trained on a particular source, it is essential to credit that source in the paper. Failure to do so could lead to accusations of plagiarism. 

Students should be transparent about their use of AI tools in their work. If an AI tool has been used to generate ideas or write portions of the paper, this should be disclosed in the paper. Being transparent about the use of AI tools can help to avoid accusations of academic misconduct.  A sample citation could be “Open AI’s Chat GPT 3.5 was utilized to assist in the creation of this article.”

As always, the line between plagiarism and not plagiarism is if the student is intending to represent something that is not their unique, original work as such.

3. Use AI tools as a supplement, not a replacement.

While AI tools can be useful, they should not be used as a replacement for critical thinking and analysis. AI tools are not a replacement for human creativity, originality, and meaning-making. Writing is a craft that you must practice over time to develop your own individual skills and voice. 

When using any kind of AI tools whether it is predictive text, grammar assistance, translation tools, image generation, it is important that you review the output and choose whether to accept, decline, or modify it for your use and that it is an expression of your own original ideas.

4. Understand the limitations of AI tools.

AI tools can be incredibly powerful, but they also have their limitations. Students should understand the capabilities of the AI tools they are using and be aware of the potential biases or errors that may arise. They should also double-check the output of AI tools and verify their accuracy before using them in their work. 

Adapted from Michigan Technical University