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Criminology and Criminal Justice: Criminal Justice Theories

This guide presents resources and tools for researching in the field of Criminal Justice.

Criminology Theories

"It is in the nature of theories in criminology, as in the social sciences generally, that no single theory will explain everything or produce invariably accurate predictions. Although some criminologists have argued that the different types of theory are mutually exclusive and that if you accept (say) control theory you must reject the others, it seems preferable to view any theory not as a statement of final truth but as a source of potentially useful and complementary ideas. Thus choices among theories should not be either/or but based on what is useful for a particular problem in a particular context. You do not even have to decide between psychological and sociological explanations: cognitive psychology has been hugely influential on probation practice, but it would be strange to argue that practitioners using this approach should not also be aware of local patterns of unemployment or drug use. Criminology loses its point if it ceases to be a helping, problem-solving discipline, and this is the way practitioners should approach it."---Credo Reference