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Gaming and the Game Collections: Game Policies

Games Use Policy

Please be nice to our games.

Please let the librarian know if the game is damaged or unplayable.

Please respect other students who are studying nearby.

Please respect students who have placed game requests.

Please return games to the Media & Gaming Lab desk when you are finished.

Please do not rearrange cords in the Gaming room.

Please have fun!

Gaming Policies

Game Checkout: Two game titles at a time may be checked out. After patron makes their selection, they are to bring the game case to the attendant at the Media & Gaming Lab desk for check out. A valid Lindenwood ID is required to check out a game. When a user is finished, return the game to its case and return to the Media & Gaming Lab desk, or the Circulation desk if after Media & Gaming Lab hours. 

Game Consoles Checkout: Game consoles do not leave the Gaming Room. Usage is limited to a maximum of 3 hours per check out. If another student has requested use of one of the Gaming machines after that period, you will be required to return the game to the Media & Gaming Lab or the Circulation Desk if outside of Media & Gaming Lab operation hours. Exceptions may be made for students working on course-related projects.

Professors requiring extended use time for a course project may request an extended reservation for the console and PC systems. To do so, contact Michael Fetters, concerning any questions.

Time Limits: Video games and board games may be checked out for 3 days. If a game or gaming equipment is returned late, the student will automatically be charged a fine. The Oculus Rift checks out for 3 hours and is in Game Room use only.
Titles on course reserve may be checked out for 2 hours per title, with one renewal of 2 hours. Exceptions may be made for students working on course-related projects. Reserve titles may not be taken outside the library.

Food, Drink, and Other Belongings: No food is allowed in the Gaming Room. Drinks are permitted in a securely-sealed container. Please take all trash and belongings with you when leaving the Gaming Room. Any belongings left in the Gaming Room will be placed in the Lost & Found at the Circulation desk.

Use the Gaming Room Courteously: Please be courteous to others in the Gaming Room as well as online users while using the Gaming Room. Refrain from excessive profanity and noise levels, disturbing other users while they are playing, or trying to rush someone into vacating a station before their time limit is up. Users who demonstrate repeated problem behavior will be asked to leave.

No Personal Accounts: Please do not add personal on- or offline accounts to any of our consoles. Any unauthorized profiles added are subject to being deleted and will not be recovered. Similarly, please do not add friends to any of our consoles.

Saved Games and Games Settings: Please ask a librarian or staff member before overwriting saved games, and don't play a saved game that is not yours. If you adjust game settings while playing, please reset them before you leave to the way they were when you arrived. Saved Games will be deleted at the end of each academic year. If you would like to keep your saved game for use later, please copy your saved games to your own USB flash drive or HDD drive. If you need help with this, please speak to the staff in the Media & Gaming Lab.

Technical Problems: If you experience any technical problems with the equipment, please alert a staff member to assist you. Do not attempt to rearrange cords and consoles yourself.

Handle Equipment with Care: Please handle games and equipment with respect, refraining from button-mashing, dropping/tossing controllers, or intentionally engaging in behavior that may damage the games or equipment. Also, please handle game disks only at the edges, and do not disturb consoles that are in use in order to prevent scratching discs as they are being played. The library reserves the right to charge patrons directly responsible for damaging our materials with replacement fees.


Game Console Reservation Policy

Identification required: A valid Lindenwood ID is required to request a reservation for one of the game stations. Groups not affiliated with the university that would like to make a reservation may make requests by contacting us at

Reserve Stations in Advance: Please reserve stations at least 3 days in advance.

Choose Equipment: Please indicate which game system(s) and game(s) you would like to use at the time of requesting a reservation. We will assign a station to you accordingly.