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Open Educational Resources

Social Work

The Social Work program has gone completely textbook-less in the Fall of 2019. They will be using many different OERs and electronic resources to support their students. This move will save their students thousands of dollars and the iPads students will purchase their first semester will be used in fieldwork and in their profession once they graduate.

Lindenwood Supporters:

Dr. Carla Mueller

Dr. Denise King

OER Created by LU Faculty

K-5 Math and Technology Resources - Galileo Open Learning Materials

This document is a collaborative student work, comprising a directory of resources about mathematics and technology for kindergarten through fifth grade. This resource was created with the support of an ALG Textbook Transformation Grant. Topics include teaching and learning theories, problem solving, assessment, equity, technological tools, and measurements.


Dr. Anthony Scheffler, Valdosta State University (Current Dean, College of Education and Human Services at Lindenwood)

Dr. Shirley Andrews, Valdosta State University

Nancy Sartin, Valdosta State University 

Special Topics in Behavior AnalysisSpecial Topics in Behavior Analysis by Margaret Dannevik Pavone, Lauren Milburn, Madison Wilkinson, Sadiqa Reza, Brandon May, Daniel Childress, Jordyn Roady, Kodi Ernewein, Victoria Spain, Amber McCoy, Katie Harris, Jamie Zipprich, Clint Evans, and Amy Ehnes

Chapters are written by BCBAs and graduate students with peer reviews by a team of volunteer BCBAs, BCBA-Ds, and other doctoral-level collegiate faculty in order to ensure accuracy and readability. As an OER, this resource is open to addition and editing and welcomes additional comments or reviews. The editor and authors have provided contact information in each section. The text should continue to improve and evolve as a growing support for the dissemination of behavior science.


Margaret Dannevik Pavone, Lindenwood Faculty

Lauren Milburn, Madison Wilkinson, Sadiqa Reza, Daniel Childress, Jordyn Roady, Kodi Ernewein, Victoria Spain, Amber McCoy, Katie Harris, Jamie Zipprich, Clint Evans, and Amy Ehnes (Alumni of Behavioral Analysis - BCBA program)

Brandon May, Washington University in St. Louis

Courses used in:

EDSBA 51100 and EDSBA 56000

OER Used by LU Faculty

Family Engagement: Collaborating with Families of Students with Disabilities Module from the IRIS Center 

   Emotional Reactions to Disabilities page with videos, case studies and reflection questions. 

Lindenwood Adopter: Dr. Rebecca Panagos 

Course: EDS 537000OL Special Education Counseling


in order to engage families diagram

Arts Integration in the Elementary Curriculum: 2nd edition 

Authors: Molly Zhou and David Brown     Publication: 2018 

Topics include: Arts Integration, Music, Visual Arts, Literary Arts, Performing Arts, and Physical Education and Movement

Lindenwood Adopter: Dr. Vanessa Vandergraaf

Course: EDU 34510  (Pre-K-8, Health, Physical Education, and the Arts) 


Safety, Health, and Nutrition in Early Childhood Education                                                                      

Author: Jennifer Paris    Publication: 2018

Early childhood is a critical time in development. Many outcomes, both positive and negative, have their beginnings in these years. It is vital that children’s health and safety be protected. High-quality early care and education programs can play a valuable role in improving outcomes
for children.
Lindenwood Adopter: Dr. Vanessa Vandergraaf
Course: EDU 34510  (Pre-K-8, Health, Physical Education, and the Arts)


Missouri Department of Conservation: Teacher Portal

The Teacher Portal is designed to provide the highest quality service to Missouri’s educators who are interested in teaching about Missouri’s ecology and conservation.  Learn about our Discover Nature Schools curriculum guides and student materials.  Explore the Missouri National Archery in the Schools Program.  Review grant opportunities, free teacher workshops, and other conservation-related classroom resources and programs.  

Lindenwood Adopter: Dr. Jill Hutcheson


Openstax - American Goverment 3e

This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including Insider Perspective features and a Get Connected module that shows students how they can get engaged in the political process. The book provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of American Government and understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them

Lindenwood Adopters: Dr. Barbara Hosto-Marti, Dr. Jeanie Thies, and Dr. Dale Walton

Course: PS 15500


American Government 3e

Openstax- Biology 2e

Biology 2e is designed to cover the scope and sequence requirements of a typical two-semester biology course for science majors. The text provides comprehensive coverage of foundational research and core biology concepts through an evolutionary lens. Biology includes rich features that engage students in scientific inquiry, highlight careers in the biological sciences, and offer everyday applications. The book also includes various types of practice and homework questions that help students understand—and apply—key concepts.

Lindenwood Adopters: Dr. Alison Albee, Dr. Megan Woltz, and Dr. Joshua Neely

Course: BIO 24400


The Dissertation Journey by Dr. Carol Roberts

A doctorate in education has become a requirement in many states to become a district-level administrator. This title focuses on the practical aspects of writing and organizing a dissertation, in particular the psychological and social hurdles that are involved.

Lindenwood Adopter: Dr. Kathy Grover


International Relations Theory

This book is designed as a foundational entry point to International Relations theory. Each chapter sets out the basics of a theory whilst also applying it to a real-world event or issue, creating a lively, readable and relevant guide that will help students to see not only what theories are – but why they matter.

Lindenwood Adopter: Dr. Dale Walton

Course: IR 35000

Rachel's English

Rachel’s English provides over 500 free videos, which have gotten over 70 million views as of January 2018, to help non-native speakers improve their spoken English and listening comprehension.  Videos focus on a variety of topics from the correct mouth position of sounds to words that reduce and real English conversation study.

Lindenwood Adopter: Tracy Flicek


National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science 

The mission of the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCSTS) is to promote the nationwide application of active learning techniques to the teaching of science, with a particular emphasis on case studies and problem-based learning.

Lindenwood Adopters: Dr. Megan Woltz and Dr. Alison Albee

Openstax - Intermediate Algebra

Intermediate Algebra is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of a one-semester intermediate algebra course. The book’s organization makes it easy to adapt to a variety of course syllabi. The text expands on the fundamental concepts of algebra while addressing the needs of students with diverse backgrounds and learning styles. The material is presented as a sequence of clear steps, building on concepts presented in prealgebra and elementary algebra courses.

Lindenwood Adopter: Dr. Scott Caldwell


Openstax - Physics

University Physics is a three-volume collection that meets the scope and sequence requirements for two- and three-semester calculus-based physics courses. Volume 1 covers mechanics, sound, oscillations, and waves. Volume 2 covers thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, and Volume 3 covers optics and modern physics. This textbook emphasizes connections between theory and application, making physics concepts interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. Frequent, strong examples focus on how to approach a problem, how to work with the equations, and how to check and generalize the result.

Lindenwood Adopter: Dr. Kari Wojtkowski


Openstax - Concepts of Biology

Concepts of Biology is designed for the typical introductory biology course for nonmajors, covering standard scope and sequence requirements. The text includes interesting applications and conveys the major themes of biology, with content that is meaningful and easy to understand. The book is designed to demonstrate biology concepts and to promote scientific literacy.

Lindenwood Adopter: Dr. Bradley Scharf Jr.


Open Textbook Library - Theatrical World

This book seeks to give insight into the people and processes that create theater. It does not strip away the feeling of magic but to add wonder for the artistry that make a production work well.

Lindenwood Adopter: Prof. Peter Colombatto 

Course: TA 11700

Lumen Learning - Boundless Art History

Boundless Art History provides the scope and sequence for the three-semester art history survey courses from Western to Non-Western. The textbook provides both the core concepts and principles in the field, but also the works of art themselves and additional contextual information in how to apply them. The OER textbook also includes additional educational materials, including faculty resources, quizzes, and lectures.

Lindenwood Adopters: Dr. James Hutson, Dr. Trenton Olsen, Prof. Kelly Sheffer, Dr. Piper Hutson, Dr. Matthew Bailey, Dr. Steven Cody, Dr. Khristin Landry-Montes, and Dr. Sarah Cantor

Courses : ARTH 22200 History of Western Art to 1300, ARTH 22400 History of Western Art from 1300, and ARTH 22600 History of Non-Western Art


Smarthistory - Ancient Mediterranean art guides

At Smarthistory, the Center for Public Art History, we believe art has the power to transform lives and to build understanding across cultures. We believe that the brilliant histories of art belong to everyone, no matter their background.

Lindenwood Adopters: Dr. James Hutson 

Course: ARTH 35700


Biomechanics of Human Movement

Created by Karine Hamm, this is a custom textbook catered to the needs of kinesiology students enrolled in a first-year biomechanics course. It has been modified from OpenStax College Physics and Anatomy and Physiology.

Lindenwood Adopters: Dr. Michael Nolan

Course: EXS 32500

Additional Faculty Open Publications

To see additional publications from LU Faculty, Staff, and students look through Digital Commons.