Acronyms and terms can get confusing, so here is a simplified look at the LGBTQ+ acronym and some additional terms.
The + is an effort to be inclusive of other terms that may not fit under the various acronyms available and can include the following terms: Bigender, Demisexual, Gender Fluid, Genderqueer, Pansexual, and more.
A more detailed collection of terms can be found at
Books can be found as ebooks via the links provided or as print items at the Library and Academic Resources Center. Stop by the Circulation Desk (front desk of the LARC) and we will be glad to help you locate or access these books.
An organization designed to raise awareness of issues gay students face in education.
Largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans.
This Toolkit is designed to help library staff better understand gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) library users, how to best serve their needs, and how to manage challenges that often arise.